ぼくらの甲子園!ポケット 高校野球ゲーム

by KAYAC Inc.



You too are high school baseball players from today!nThe latest series of high school baseball game "Bokura no Koshien" has exceeded 6 million downloads! A sports RPG in which users form a team and aim for victory

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◆◆初心者大歓迎!超応援キャンペーン中!◆◆初心者のスタートダッシュを応援中!今なら星5やきゅう道具が確定で手に入る!----------------------◆◆あなたも今日から高校球児!◆◆高校野球の選手になって、仲間とわいわい協力して甲子園優勝をめざせ!No.1高校野球アプリ!青春スポーツRPG!----------------------◆◆ポジションを選んでゲームスタート!◆◆まずはポジションを選ぼう。エースをめざす?ピッチャー?正捕手?内野手、外野手も面白い!かんたん操作で自分好みの選手に育成!----------------------◆◆全国4000校の中から選ぼう!◆◆レギュラーになりやすい高校を選ぶか、勝ち抜ける強豪校か、わいわいまったりの高校か、それとも地元の高校でナインを組むか。所属する学校選びも重要だ!----------------------◆◆キミらしいキャラ&装備で試合に臨め!◆◆熱血坊主から爽やか少年、女子野球部員まで個性豊かなキャラの中から好きな部員を選ぼう!グローブやバット、スパイクはもちろん、帽子やユニフォームなど、多彩な野球用品を自分好みにきせかえよう!----------------------◆◆スゴロクでかんたん野球練習!◆◆「ボードゲーム」と「ミニゲーム」が組み合わさる新感覚な簡単野球練習システムで、テンポよくサクサク成長!カードや練習施設を使ったり、サイコロを振って強くなろう!----------------------◆◆ここ一番で、スキルを発動しよう!◆◆「雷神投法」「安打製造機」「鉄壁守備」「監督より伝令」など、試合の途中経過を見て、パワフルなスキルを発動だ!多彩なやきゅう道具のスキルを駆使して、ホームランを狙え!試合中は、チャットで仲間と作戦会議!勝利のカギはチームワーク!戦略を立てて全国の野球部と対戦だ!----------------------◆◆多彩なキャラがキミを全力で応援するぞ◆◆困ったとき助けてくれるマネージャーあかね、やきゅう道具を強化をしてくれる大工の源さんや、掛布じいさん、保健室の先生など、学校や街(プロ野球で使われる立派なスタジアムも)、試合外に登場するキャラたちがキミを応援してくれるぞ!----------------------キミは、永遠に高校球児だ!この世界のどこかにいる仲間たちとドリームチームを組み、練習し、声をかけあい、勝ち上がれ!ひとりでは味わえない勝利の喜びがキミを待っているぞ!◆◆ Beginners are welcome! During a super support campaign! ◆◆Supporting beginners start dash!Now you can get 5 stars and baseball tools!----------------------◆◆ You are also a high school baseball player from today! ◆◆Becoming a high school baseball playerAim to win the Koshien championship in cooperation with your friends!No.1 high school baseball app! Youth sports RPG!----------------------◆◆ Select a position and start the game! ◆◆First, choose a position. Aim for ace?pitcher? A regular catcher? Infielders and outfielders are also interesting!Train your favorite player with simple operations!----------------------◆◆ Choose from 4000 schools nationwide! ◆◆Choose a high school that tends to be regularWhether its a strong school that can win, or a high school thats so cuteOr do you want to form a nine at a local high school?Choosing the school you belong to is also important!----------------------◆◆ Face the game with your unique characters and equipment! ◆◆From hot-blooded boys to refreshing boys and womens baseball team membersChoose your favorite member from the unique characters!Not to mention gloves, bats and spikesA variety of baseball equipment such as hats and uniformsLets customize it to your liking!----------------------◆◆ Easy baseball practice with Sugoroku! ◆◆A combination of "board games" and "mini games"A new and easy baseball practice system with a good tempoCrispy growth! Use cards and practice facilities,Roll the dice and become stronger!----------------------◆◆ Lets activate the skill at the top here! ◆◆"Raijin throwing method" "Hit making machine" "Iron wall defense"Watching the progress of the game, such as "Teacher from the manager",Activate powerful skills!Making full use of the skills of various baseball tools,Aim for a home run!During the match, chat with your friends for a strategy meeting!Teamwork is the key to victory!Make a strategy and play against baseball clubs nationwide!----------------------◆◆ Various characters will support you with all your might ◆◆Manager Akane who helps me in case of trouble,HammerinHarry, a carpenter who strengthens baseball tools,Kakefu grandfather, infirmary teacher, school and town(Also a fine stadium used in professional baseball),Characters appearing outside the gameI will support you!----------------------You are a high school baseball player forever!With friends somewhere in this worldForm a dream team, practice,Talk to each other and win!The joy of victory that cannot be experienced aloneIm waiting for you!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Too long tutorial,so I literally bored


We can enjoy and support with team member very well

Yoshi Shin

It was a nice game to spend some time, but now it keep crashing and updated permissions request to know the running apps. Thank you but no.

Amel Lema

Keep crashing, can't play at all

Damon Ng